With my first semester of college under my belt and a new one quickly approaching I have been thinking a lot about the events of the last 4 months or so since I moved away from home. I am really enjoying school here but I would be lying if I tried to say it didn't come with its own set of challenges as well. And boy did I face them head on. But looking back I see there were definitely things that I could have handled in a much better way. I have been so worried about what others would think or what they want/expect me to do that I haven't been living my life for me. And now, looking back, there are somethings that I wish I could go back and redo. Things that not only affected my life but also others around me. Things that I maybe didn't do or say for one reason or another that I most certainly should have. And I guess I was learning that all along the way I just didn't realize it until everything was over. I have grown and changed so much already and I am so grateful for the people that have been placed in my life that have helped me to see that I don't need to be fighting against the world all the time. I need to pick my battles and relax and just enjoy where I am at in life now. A very wise and close friend of mine has done wonders for me in helping me see this, and a few months ago he said
This has stuck with me so much. I have it posted in my room and in my wallet and everywhere because it is so true. We all have the potential to be happy, and because of that we should always chose to be. Yes this is easier said than done, but choosing to be happy takes away everyone else's power to influence your life. So this is what I chose to do. I am done letting other people determine what I chose to do, and I am done feeling sorry for myself. This next semester and from here on out, I choose to do what makes me happy. I choose to discover myself and my true potential, and I choose to embrace life. I don't want to wait till the future for things to "get better" I want to discover and explore and enjoy life now. I choose to be me, and to hold nothing back. And no, this doesn't change the fact that last semester is over and whether I like it or not I cannot rewind and start over. But I can change, and I can move forward. And so I will, and I am excited for all the adventures to come.
"The happiest person you meet smiles not because he is happy, but rather because he knows he has the potential to be happy."
This has stuck with me so much. I have it posted in my room and in my wallet and everywhere because it is so true. We all have the potential to be happy, and because of that we should always chose to be. Yes this is easier said than done, but choosing to be happy takes away everyone else's power to influence your life. So this is what I chose to do. I am done letting other people determine what I chose to do, and I am done feeling sorry for myself. This next semester and from here on out, I choose to do what makes me happy. I choose to discover myself and my true potential, and I choose to embrace life. I don't want to wait till the future for things to "get better" I want to discover and explore and enjoy life now. I choose to be me, and to hold nothing back. And no, this doesn't change the fact that last semester is over and whether I like it or not I cannot rewind and start over. But I can change, and I can move forward. And so I will, and I am excited for all the adventures to come.
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