You know those days where you just have one thing on your mind, and no matter how hard you try you cant push it away? And you don't necessarily WANT to push it away but you SHOULD because you have a million and twelve other things that you should be thinking about? Yeah well that was today. And unfortunately for me I have four classes on Tuesday's and Thursday's from nine to almost I most definitely had other things that I should have been focusing on. And a very very good friend of mine today said "What a wonderful thought it is that some of the best days of our lives haven't happened yet :)" (PS. she posted it on Facebook and doesn't know that I stole it, but she ALWAYS has the perfect thing to say!!) Let me just say SHE IS TOTALLY RIGHT! It IS a wonderful thing to think about..that the happiest times of my life are still to come! It just makes me smile. And doesn't that just sound wonderful? Say it with me "the best is yet to come." Repeat it a few times, it's that good. Then I think back to what's been on my mind all day and it makes it all okay. It doesn't take things off my mind, but it brings a sense of assurance just knowing that the best is yet to come:)
My cousin Cade had his Missionary Farewell yesterday and I feel so blessed to have been able to attend. First off, he is amazing. He is one of the funniest people I know and he is smart and a musical genius. He is simply his own person and there are endless characteristics/qualities that he possess that I would love to develop in myself. So I mean it is easy to say that I love the kid to death. But he spoke in sacrament meeting and the spirit that he brought was truly inspiring, and stronger than anything I have felt in a long time. It touched my heart. And I knew that he was called of God to serve, that he is worthy to serve, and that he has a testimony of the gospel and our Savior, Jesus Christ. It was such an incredible experience. When he concluded he played an original arrangement of Be Still My Soul on the piano and again the spirit was overwhelming. That is my favorite hymn, and it brings me so much comfort which I coincidentally really needed at that moment. Reminding ...
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