There are a few people in my life, that for whatever reason, have made a HUGE impact on who I am today. They are always going to be special no matter what the circumstances are. Some came into my life for a short time and then were gone again, some continue to be an example, some are some of my best friends, and some I can see having in my life till the day I die. But whether or not we still keep in touch, I have a connection to them. I tend to cling to every word, every smile, every conversation, every interaction, everything. I replay it all in my mind, and most of the time I see every opportunity I had to do something different. Over and over again I relive these encounters that they probably don't even remember, but mean the world to me. I am left hanging onto every word these people have ever said to me. And sometimes I hate it, cause whatever emotion I was feeling at that moment immediately comes rushing back. But sometimes it is a beautiful blessing in my life, that I have been touched by these incredible people! (And let me tell you, they are some of the best people I have ever met in my entire life.) Well last night was full of this, hanging onto words and experiences that I very much cherish, and as hard as it was to realize that those days are over and may not ever come again, I couldn't help but fall asleep with a smile on my face! So very grateful for these people in my life, the lessons they have taught me, and the experiences we have shared!:)
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