I love music. It is everything good and happy and right with the world and at the same time can say even the saddest words with such elegance and grace. It can express my thoughts and emotions in way that I know I never could. It is the life-blood of my soul. It makes me happy. And it goes beyond anything I can explain in plain words...which is kinda the point. For me, country music (among a few other things) makes me feel like I am home, no matter what is going on in my life. It is simply fantastic, in fact two of my favorite quotes come from the movie August Rush. They are...
And if those two don't say it all then I don't know what will. They are simply perfect in my opinion, and are completely true, at least for me. But for someone who is not very high up on the "musically talented" list for the world, loving music this much can be extremely frustrating. Love without the ability to create is such a feeling of being trapped. So I decided to teach myself guitar...it didn't go very well...so I took a college beginning guitar class and although it did help some, it wasn't too much better. I still really struggle with chord progressions and changing chords fast enough and I cant really play anything because of it. At the end of the class I talked to my professor about it and he said that it will take time and some people just pick up on it faster than others...(at the rate I am going it will be 2020 before I get there...) but he said if I keep working at it I WILL get there. And honestly, I cant wait. I got my guitar out last night and practiced for quite sometime and I truly just cannot wait till I can pick it up and just play and that is all I want to do. I just want to be able to play. For me. Not for anyone else really, just for myself. Just to feel free. Because "I believe in music the way some people believe in fairy tales" and even my lack of musical talent wont be able to take that away from me.
"You know what music is? God's little reminder that there's something else besides us in this universe, a harmonic connection between all living beings, every where, even the stars."
"I believe in music the way some people believe in fairy tales..."
And if those two don't say it all then I don't know what will. They are simply perfect in my opinion, and are completely true, at least for me. But for someone who is not very high up on the "musically talented" list for the world, loving music this much can be extremely frustrating. Love without the ability to create is such a feeling of being trapped. So I decided to teach myself guitar...it didn't go very well...so I took a college beginning guitar class and although it did help some, it wasn't too much better. I still really struggle with chord progressions and changing chords fast enough and I cant really play anything because of it. At the end of the class I talked to my professor about it and he said that it will take time and some people just pick up on it faster than others...(at the rate I am going it will be 2020 before I get there...) but he said if I keep working at it I WILL get there. And honestly, I cant wait. I got my guitar out last night and practiced for quite sometime and I truly just cannot wait till I can pick it up and just play and that is all I want to do. I just want to be able to play. For me. Not for anyone else really, just for myself. Just to feel free. Because "I believe in music the way some people believe in fairy tales" and even my lack of musical talent wont be able to take that away from me.
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