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16 Things I Learned In 2016

Here it is. I cant believe that it is already New Year's Eve. This year has gone so fast and so slow. It has been happy and hard and different than I ever imagined it would be. This time last year, I was at my parent's house in Texas. So much has changed since I rung in the new year with little brothers and 60 degree weather, and as I have spent the day with just two cute puppies and my thoughts I have been overwhelmed with all that the last year has given me.

So here it is, in no particular order...16 things that I learned in 2016.

16. Travel Often.
Across the ocean or just a few hours away, take the time to see new places. It is ALWAYS worth it.

15. It's okay to say no.
Sometimes, you can only give how much your heart will allow. You must take care of yourself before you can take care of others. I learned this through my job, but it is a lesson that I have needed to apply to my entire life for a very long time.

14. Never settle for less than you deserve. 
There wasn't just one experience that taught me this, but several. The bottom line is this. Regardless of what it is you are working for or wanting in your life, you deserve the best and you shouldn't have to settle for less. This is especially applicable to the people in our lives and the way that we are treated. It is okay to walk away, when people are treating you less than you deserve.

13. Life is happier with puppies.
Enough said.

12. Just because you weren't expecting it, doesn't mean it isn't right.
This time last year, I was stepping into a job as a student coordinator for the A-Team, and I couldn't be more thrilled, excited, and nervous to do so. By May I was completely burnt out. I had given everything I had and I wasn't sure I had anything else to give. Of course, I would finish out my time in the job, but I was ready to be done after that. Haha I was silly to think that. As I sat and listened to the A-Team discuss the job that we do, I was overwhelmed with emotion. Those beautiful and wonderful people that I loved completely understood why we do this job. My heart was overwhelmed with happy. And as I drove home thinking quietly to myself, I had the very distinct thought "You're not done yet. This program has given you more than you ever expected, and you're not done with it yet." So, I started working on staying and continuing with the office. Little did I know back in May and June that by the end of the year I would have accepted a full time position to work for the office. I have no doubt that this is where I need to be in my life right now, even if I wasn't expecting to be here.

11. Life was meant to be enjoyed, not endured.
Laugh at yourself. Find joy in little things like $.50 ice cream cones, country music, and drives with the windows rolled down.

10. Trust the front porch test.
Ask yourself--can I see myself sitting on a front porch with these people? I am not saying that everyone you associate with should pass the test, or that you should only associate with people who do, but it helps me to keep perspective.

9. Sometimes your GANG is all you need.

8. Make Sacrifices
If it feels like a sacrifice, it will probably be more than worth it when you look back.

7. Take all the pictures.
Even when you think you've taken too many, or when your family is tired of posing for you. You will never regret taking too many pictures, but you might if you don't.

6. Friends who travel together, stay together.
This year gave me the opportunity to travel with some of my favorite humans. They definitely pass the front porch test, and I can see us traveling together till we are old and gray! Oh the places we will go! I wouldn't have it any other way.

5. You will never regret family time.
I love them with all of my heart.

4. There is something MAGICAL about F I R E W O R K S and R O O F T O P S
This is one of my very favorite things, and this summer I spent many nights (dancing, eating food, and having some of the best conversations with favorite people) watching fireworks from the rooftop. The sunsets from this view aren't bad either.

3. You can never have too many tacos.

2. Family doesn't always mean blood.
I have been blessed with incredible people who love me like family, while mine is so far away.

1. People are what matter.
The greatest thing I can ever do is spend time with people. It makes my heart happy. Not only that, but people are placed in our lives for specific purposes, and I have no doubt that these people were placed in mine, at this time to teach me what I need to know to become a better person.


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