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Tears On A Mountain Top

It seems like it was forever ago, but really it was just last week, when a friend (who I look up to more than she'll ever understand) texted me and asked if I wanted to go on a weekend trip to Southern Utah with her and a group of friends. Without hesitation I immediately responded yes! And the next day met up with everyone to figure out the details.

Friday afternoon our hodge-podge group of 11 kids (we aren't real adults) piled in cars and made our way down to St. George. And Saturday morning we headed to Zion National Park. *sighs of happiness because I adore that place*

This is where it gets interesting. The original plan was to go and hike The Narrows and I, for one, was pumped because I have never done that hike before! So naturally since that was the plan discussed ahead of time, this is what I prepared for.

SIDE NOTE: When someone asks me what my pet peeves are one of the things at the TOP of the list are SOGGY SOCKS! Literally no one in the history of the world enjoys when they have wet socks.

Anyway, with this in mind, I planned on wearing tennis shoes that I could wear without socks because I did not want to walk around with wet socks all day. The Narrows is not a strenuous hike but it definitely involves water. Sooooo that morning came and we got to the park, I took off my socks and sandals and slipped on my tennis shoes, specific for the occasion.

And then the plan changed.

We hiked Angels Landing.

Angels Landing is one of my FAVORITE hikes that I have ever done. I love it with my whole heart. And half of the group had never gone on the hike before and so while I was bummed that the Narrows would have to wait for another day, I was excited to be able to be there for these friends first time on Angels.

We started up the trail and things were going well. It reminded me that I am more out of shape than I realized and that I need to really start working out again. And it reminded me of old friends and great memories that I have on that hike. When things got hard I had great people around me to encourage and help me along. And while it was challenging I was loving every second of it.

My feet however were not. Because remember how I was prepared for the Narrows.


And my heels had blisters. (This picture is a few days later....yikes)
Our group got spread out a bit on the hike and some spent more time at the top than others. For the most part I was with people from our group but near the top I fell behind. By the time that I got to the top I could barely walk and I was completely separated from the group.

As I finally made it to the group at the top I was overwhelmed by the view. I had seen it before but this time on this day, with the most random and wonderful group of people and crippling blisters that brought me to my knees, I was in awe. I found my group and joined them for lunch. I pulled dry socks out of my bag and put them on my feet (by the time I needed them it was too late and I couldn't really stop on the trail to put socks on--if you've ever hiked Angels Landing you understand.) I chilled on top of this beautiful mountain in just my socks, ate a PB&J, and talked with the cutest international couple. It was a great moment.

As I sat quietly eating my sandwich I suddenly realized that I was crying.

I looked like an idiot, I am sure.

It is said that Angels Landing got it's name because the mountain peak is so high that only Angels could land up top. And as I sat there with bleeding blisters and a tired body, with some of my best friends who push me to be a better person,  something came over me and I could not help but get emotional.

So I cried. On a mountain top. And I am better off for it.

Then I climbed down and I spent the rest of the weekend hobbling around in sandals because I couldn't wear shoes. And I wouldn't trade a single second of it. Las Vegas and St. George treated us well.

I have a HAPPY LIFE.


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