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Why I Drove to Washington By Myself

Okay first things first....I went to WA to see my friend Liz.

Look how cute she is!

She got a grown up job and moved to the *cutest* little town in WA and I miss her, so I took a few days for myself and went on a trip to see her.

Secondly, I want it to be known that I DID invite a friend to come with me. I have a good friend who I would have loved to have join me on the trip, but when he couldn't come I was sad but didn't bat an eye. Here are the reasons that I invited him:
  • He is excellent company.
  • He has a great taste in music.
  • He is friends with Liz as well.
  • I thought it would be fun if he came.
The end that is all. I didn't invite him to make the trip cheaper, to help drive, or to make me feel safer. It would have been fun if he could have come, but either way I was going to go.

I drove to Washington by myself because I could.
Because I am saying YES.
Because I am done waiting for "someday". 
Someday when I have more money, or when I am married and have someone to travel with, or when I am done with school. Those are all good and well, but there will always be another "someday" ahead of you. Say yes. See new places and experience new things. And stop waiting for "someday" to come before you live your life.

So this is what happened. I got up early on Saturday morning and started my drive. I have always wanted to go visit the Pacific Northwest and let me tell you that it did not disappoint. Look at these trees! My heart is so happy.

While in Washington I went to the coast and learned that crabs are purple and got probably the *second worst sunburn of my life.

We spent time in Olympia and found the cutest little bookshop!

And we spent time in Seattle! 

(yes that is a USU fanny pack and yes I did wear it everywhere in Seattle)

My favorite part of the baseball game was the cute lady sitting next to me, let's call her Lois. I actually have no idea what her name is but the moment she pulled out her granola and started yelling at the players by first name when they played poorly, I knew that I wanted to be her when I grow up. This is the video of her singing "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" and I seriously wanted to die.

(low quality video of a high quality experience. and yes that is Lois that you can hear singing)

The trip was great and I wouldn't trade it for the world. I fell in love with a part of the country that I had never seen before and I cannot wait until I can go back and explore it some more.

Also, just in case I've tricked you into thinking that I have got my life together/all figured out, here is some proof that I am still just as much of a hot mess as ever.

This is me driving there after I had to stop and take a nap at a rest stop because I was too tired to keep going.

On the way home, I was dying because of previously mentioned sunburn, which btw happened the first full day that I was there. I stopped 3 times between Olympia and Portland. Woof.

Here is when I stopped halfway home to do my homework in a McDonalds. I was there for roughly 2 hours. Seriously, who am I. Chicken nuggets and a coke please. Oh also, don't mind me using your wifi for a bit, got some assignments due. *face palm*

Lastly, this is me today at work. I sat so much in the car yesterday with burned legs that the back of my knees have purple burn lines, and I am not convinced they aren't permanent.

Not to mention that at one point today, I sprayed coke all over myself. Covered my dress, my desk, the floor. At this point I spent the rest of the day sticky and burnt instead of just burnt. I was winning for sure.

So don't get to comfortable. Don't wait for someday. And don't believe everything you see on social media. Most of us are pretty much a hot mess always.

It keeps things interesting.


*I got sick because I was so burnt. I'm sorry, what?! That's a thing! Let me tell you, it certainly is. I was cancelled. This is sunburn ranks second only to the most traumatic sunburn experience of my life from floating the river summer of 2016. If you don't believe me you can ask my dear friend Nathan. He still references it as the worst sunburn of all time.


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