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Happy Birthday America!

These days I have had a lot on my mind and every time I sit down to write it never seems to come out the way I want it too.

But today I am overwhelmed with gratitude for this wonderful country of ours!

Okay, okay I know if you see me today, you probably wont take me seriously...

In the words of Cooper I was most definitely "freaky fresh" this morning for the ward 4th of July breakfast!
Haha but here's the deal.

I love the United States of America!

And I am so grateful that I live here...that my family lives here...that I will raise my future family here.

It's not perfect, in fact some may say that it is far from it. However we have been blessed with rights and privileges that many go without. While this country is anything but perfect, it is home.

And so I say thank you. 
To our Founding Fathers--For their incredible insight into how to govern our country.
To our Revolutionaries--All those who saw how our country could be made better and fought until they saw change.
To our Defenders--For their continual sacrifice on our behalf. In conjunction with that, I thank their families and loved ones. The sacrifices made to keep our home safe start with you.

My heart is truly full and I find it hard to express the feelings in my heart. I am grateful for this Nation. 
I am grateful for a brother who participates in the raising of the flag, and does it with so much pride!

I am grateful for the religious freedoms I possess, and think of friends and family who scatter the globe preaching the gospel because of those freedoms.

I truly have been blessed.
God Bless America

Well I thought I would add this little explanation for those who might be wondering...

I love the Fourth of July.
I love America.

So my sister Alexis and I love being patriotic. We dress up to match and show our patriotism. It's pretty great.

Well this morning was the Fourth of July breakfast and as we were getting ready neither of us could find our Fourth of July socks! 
(I know what you're thinking, it was a tragedy!..and yes we really do have festive socks!)

So #1 our matching wasn't so great, but we wore our Rangers hats and all was good! We flew kites and it was fantastic. Adventures with her are always the best, and what else would expect from a best friend, right?!
We wore our hat's backwards because Coop says when you do that you are #freakyfresh!

So naturally we wanted to be #freakyfresh on this patriotic day.
Haha Coop is the best! As soon as his scout stuff was done this morning he took his scout shirt off and turned his hat around! (I am sure the whole ward thinks we're crazy...which we actually kind of are!)
I found him eating his muffin like this...and NEEDED a picture with him.

NOT ONLY was he looking super fly and freaky fresh...
this crazy kid couldn't be bothered to stop eating long enough to take a picture. Like I said, he's pretty great!

After the breakfast Lex and I went on Operation Happy Birthday America to get her food and find some patriotic socks. We found some...but the real treasure we came home with were some sweet hats! I actually really love mine and want to wear it all the time...
Needless to say Operation HBA was a success.

I love my family.
I love my country.
I love life.



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