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Be Of Good Cheer, And Have No Fear

"While we have been assigned to take the test of mortality during the most spiritually rigorous and demanding time in the world's history, we have not been left alone. Most of the people who have ever lived in this world have faced their trials with no access to the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ. But we have that gospel. We have the gift and the power of the Holy Ghost. We have the gift and the power of saving ordinances that bind us to each other and to the Lord. We have the power of the priesthood on the earth and the gift of full access to that power. We have the gift of a prophet, seer, and revelator who holds all the keys of the kingdom. We have the gift of revealed scripture and the power contained in the Word of God. And we have the gift of understanding that the Atonement of Jesus Christ is filled with both redemptive and enabling power. All of which explains why the Lord would encourage us: "Be of good cheer, and do not fear, for I the Lord am with you and will stand by you; and ye shall bear record of me, even Jesus Christ, that I am the Son of the living God, that I was, that I am, and that I am to come" (D&C 68:6)."

If there is one thing that this school year has taught me it would be that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, my burdens can be made light, and my trials can be overcome. We all have things in our lives that we will struggle with, but by turning our trials over to the Lord, He can make our burdens light. It is easier said than done, and in the middle of trials it is very easy to feel stuck in the dark.


There is light. There is peace. There is hope. 
Our Savior, Jesus Christ.
What a beautiful truth that is!


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