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Interview Day


Can I just say I hate interview day. And interviews/the whole applying for jobs process actually. I cant stand it!
Don't get me wrong, I love working!  I love having a job. I started working my sophomore year of high school and when I don't have a job (the few times it has been since then when I haven't been employed) I just feel lost. 
It's the act of "getting a job" that I don't like. I don't like filling out applications and sitting down for interviews.  I don't like waiting and wondering if I am going to get a phone call or whatnot saying I got an interview or I got the job. It's not that I do bad at interviews, I feel like I do okay at them. I just don't like them. I don't like applying for jobs, wondering the whole time if I am writing down on my application the specific words they are looking for. It's just not fun. And if you disagree I will simply shake my head at you and tell you that you're crazy!

Today was interview's so much fun to hear the phrase "Well we'd love to hire you but...."
Fill in the blank yourself.

I felt like the interviews went well and such but I was met mostly with disappointing responses to the amount of time I can commit to this job...SORRY NOT SORRY I HAVE TO GO BACK TO LOGAN IN THE FALL FOR SCHOOL!

Sighhh! Okay, I'm done with my ranting. At least interview day is over. And there were some positive points. Hopefully Friday brings me good news...if it doesn't I really don't know what I am going to do since I have pretty much applied for every job available that I can think of or find.

On a happier note...Lady Antebellum has a new album out which makes me a happy girl! The whole thing is fantastic and I will probably buy it all. (That's a lie, I am poor and have no job...but I will WANT to buy it, how about that?!)

SOO all you should check out this lovely tune from their new album...I mean come on, look  how excited I am for it

That's a lot of excitement (I mean just look at me!)
So before I hurt myself you should probably click on the video below and watch it...and then probably listen to their whole new album because it is wonderful. Yep, that probably should happen.

(just for the record I want to point out how long my hair's pretty awesome)


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