What am I doing here? That seems to be the question I MUST answer in my life because I always seem to find myself wondering what the answer is. Until I figure it out I guess I will just continue doing what I am doing. Time will bring answers, of this I am convinced!:) Summer is weird because my sense of time seems to slip away. It seems like school has been out for forever, when really it's only been a week or so. It seems like my life has sort of stopped, while everyone else is still moving on towards whatever it is they are working towards. I feel like I am watching everyone else live their lives, grow and progress, go on adventures, and experience new things, while I sit on the other side of the glass, waiting for my turn. Don't get me wrong, I still think I am right where I need to be right now. And I am thoroughly enjoying having the time to stop and smell the roses...or in my case...read books and take naps whenever I want too!:) I think it simply goes back to th...