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San Diego: Part Two!


 Tuesday we spent the day at Sea World! Completely awesome! We went to all the shows and saw all the animals and it was just great! Such a nice day! We even got to see Shamu twice! We were just lucky ducks!:)
Wednesday we got up and went shopping at the mall next to our hotel. (You can best believe we went to Bloomingdale's and gawked at how expensive things are there!) After that we went to the store, came back and ate lunch, and then met up with the guys and headed to Coronado Island. This very easily could have been my favorite part of the whole trip!  It was so much fun and SO NICE AND WARM! The beach was incredible! We went and set up a spot and then headed out to the ocean looking for shells and pretty much anything else we could find. After doing that for a while we headed back to the towels. Christian found a hermit crab and it was so hilarious to see him freak out about it. After an hour or two there we packed things up and headed to find something for dinner. We walked the streets of Coronado which was also so much fun, and we found a way cool hot dog place where we all ate dinner. After dinner we did a little more exploring of the shops and such, and then headed back to the beach! Laid out for a while more, and then took pictures in the ocean before heading back to our hotel so that us girls could change. We then headed to Mission Beach for a bon fire that Matt's buddies from school were having. While we waited for everyone else to get there we walked the pier and went into shops and that was fun. Then we stumbled upon this little Mexican Food Place and the boy's and I ate some delicious fish tacos on the beach (I was in heaven!) While Nan gave Jake a tattoo half sleeve with temporary tattoos haha! We got there and it wasn't really my scene (or anyone's really, except Matt...and that's totally fine.) We started playing this game in the ocean where we would run out and chase the tide (trying to get as far as we could without getting wet) and then run away when the waves came crashing back! It was so much fun and I have no clue why haha! Until Nan lost her phone in the ocean...then that stopped. Jake had a funeral for her phone, which was hilarious, and then we headed back to the hotel, got cleaned up, and went to bed. Overall it was just a good day!


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