I am constantly being reminded, it seems these days, of how much I am driven by my emotions. Reminded by the tears that stream down my face as I watch a movie that for reasons I can't explain, I feel like I connect too. Reminded by the anger that seems to be stirring inside me more often than I would care to admit, for things that logically don't matter but illogically bring out the worst in me. Reminded by the stress that overwhelms my life at times. And by the longing desire to see people happy that is always floating in the back of my mind. I am constantly being reminded that I tend to care too much, and then realizing that I would not be myself if the happiness of a beloved sister, the hug from a dear friend, the sting of a sad story, or the joy of a sweet puppy did not all bring a tear to my eye. I am constantly being reminded by those closest to me that things will all work out the way they are supposed too. That things don't work out so that better things can. That one day all my trials will make sense, and I will understand. Constantly being reminded that in the grand scheme of things, time flies. The emotions that I feel, that drive me crazy, and bring me to tears even as I type this up, are my downfall and my best quality. I feel. I feel everything. And constantly reminds me that it's my choice to be happy, and that is a choice I choose to make.
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