Spring Break this year was fabulous! I went to San Diego with some wonderful people and it was just lovely. These are all just from the first day we were there!! We drove down in one day, and got in late Sunday night. Monday morning we got up, and headed down to Seaport Village and the pier! I was in heaven! I fell in love with the ocean this past week and want to spend every waking moment there! After the pier (where we saw the huge statute and also there was this guy with all these birds and I held one on my shoulder, which if you know me is a big deal...I hate birds!) we went to La Jolla Cove and saw the sweet sea lions on the beach! There was the funniest guy who ignored the signs and rope and just let his kids run around next to the sea lions...the one little girl had on a cinderella costume...it was all too comical to me. After that we headed down to La Jolla beach and I stood in the ocean for the very first time! Like I said earlier, I am in love! The only downside was that a seagull stole my lunch on the beach. Sad day. That night we met up with some guys that one of my roommates knows and had dinner with them. They were all such gems! After dinner (fish and chips next to the ocean, you cant beat that!) we explored downtown S.D. and it was so fun! Overall I loved it. Which is probably how the rest of my posts will go because I pretty much just soaked in everything like a sponge. It was pretty dang fantastic.
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