Once Upon A Time...I had a dear friend. This friend was funny and great to be around and we got along swimmingly. And Once Upon A Time I thought that friend had all their ducks in a row. I thought that they knew (the way it seems everyone else that I know does) what they were doing with their lives. I thought they had a plan. I thought I was the only person who had no clue. I thought wrong. Once Upon A Time I had a good chat with this friend of mine. We talked about their future and my future and how we're stuck. Once Upon A Time I am very grateful for the tender mercies my Father in Heaven gives me each and every day, and for the people who He uses to remind me that everything will be okay, and that I am not the only one who doesn't know what I want my future to look like. Once Upon A Time...I still think about my future and get headaches and cringe because it's fuzzy and I have no clue what I want it to look like, but it's okay...because every day I get closer to where I should be. Every day I get closer to figuring things out. And as long as I am living my life righteously, I am doing okay for now.
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