"Don't ask what the world needs, ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."
I absolutely love this quote, and have since the second I first read it. I WANT TO COME ALIVE! I want to be inspired. I want to change the world! Inspiration can come in so many different forms. It comes in ways least expected, when you least expect to find it. I have been inspired. I have found something I enjoy. Call it a new hobby or whatever you want I am trying something new, and I am loving it. My inspiration has come from a few places...from people I adore (some I know and some I don't) and from this desire in me to experience everything I possibly can! If you want to see one of the most adorable girls in the world check out this blog! It is her video's that have gotten me really interested in doing things like this. Ahh so enough of that....yesterday my roommate and two friends went down to Park City. Right now Park City is hosting the Sundance Film Festival, which is a crazy huge film festival that all kinds of celebs come to and participate in. Haha it's a little crazy that we have that right here in Utah. Well anyways, I had never been to Park City before and although we couldn't get tickets to see any shows or anything like that, I had a blast walking around and seeing everything. I know this isn't the greatest video, it's even slightly boring my video isn't the best but it is only my first one and I wanted to share this experience and my new hobby with you. Check it out! If you like it, well then good...there might be more coming this way!:)
Sundance.. from Kylee Hopkin on Vimeo.
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