Every day is a battle. Some days I win and some days I lay my head down at night and think "I will try again tomorrow." Life is hard and it was meant to be that way. But even with that knowledge and understanding it is still sometimes a struggle to get through. I am at the point where everything is bothering me. And it is little stupid things and the worst part is that in the back of my head I know that I am being ridiculous. I know that I am over reacting and that I should not be so irritated by these things. But I am. I am bothered by stupid little things. And I don't really know what to do to make that go away. I don't want to push away these people in my life because they are good people. But at the same time I get so angry when I am there and I just cant figure it out. School is crazy right now, and I just started working again, which is great but also rough because that is one more thing I need to worry about. I have a great group of friends that I love spending time with and yet that is part of this whole stupid problem! I don't want to do homework. I don't want to study for my tests that I have in the next two weeks (which by the way there are serious risks of me failing some of them so that's just awesome). On top of ALL of that I am constantly doubting everything in my life. It's to the point where I doubt my doubts. What the freak is that. I am stressed most of the time which means my immune system takes a hit so I feel crummy all the time. I am always tired. Always. And it is cold so my feet and body ache, constantly.
Every day is a battle and lately it seems like I keep on losing.
Every day is a battle and lately it seems like I keep on losing.
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