HOME: The place in which one’s domestic affections are centered. A house, apartment, or other shelter that is the usual residence of a person family, or household. The place or region where something is native or most common. Home is a four letter word with weight beyond measure. It is a sanctuary. It is a safe place. It’s for free expression, not good impressions. Home is loud obnoxious chatter with my siblings. It’s joking and teasing and laughing till your side hurts and the tears stream from your eyes. Home is hugs from my Mom that somehow completely swallow me up even though she is smaller than I am. It is conversations with my Dad about music or movies, or camping, or anything or nothing at all that remind me how similar we actually are. Home is getting to help my baby brother with his prayers at night and realizing that he’s not a baby anymore. It’s eating the meals I grew up on, in the place I grew up, with the dishes I always used. It’s the unexpected knock at the bedroom door from a brother who just wants to give you a kiss and tell you goodnight one last time. Home is inside jokes and movie quotes that never cease to bring a smile to your face. It is warm. It is happy. It is free. It is feeling like all the problems, all the trials, all the struggles that have seemed to overtake your life no longer exist, at least for the time being. Home is sacrifice, and service, and a willingness to share. Home is arguments because home is family. Home is spending as much time with the people you love as you can. It’s cherishing that time while it is here, and missing them so much it hurts when it’s gone. Home is looking back on memories while creating new ones. It is creating something beautiful, something that will last. Home is planning for the future, knowing whatever happens you always have some where to go. Home is special. It is precious. It is listening. It is caring. It is where the heart is. It is love. It is life. Home is realizing how incredibly blessed you are. Home is faith. Home is my roots. Home is Heaven on Earth. And it is home that I will always return to.
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