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Good People, Growing Pains, And All The Lovey Stuff.

I love love. I am the absolute definition of a hopeless romantic (if you look it up in the dictionary I am fairly certain you will just find a picture of my face!) I love love songs and romantic lovey movies and things of that nature. It makes me so happy to see people who are in love; to see how they look at each other. I want someone to look at me that way. I want someone to need me for forever. I want to find that person that makes all those lovey quotes you see on pinterest apply to me. Not necessarily now, I am in no hurry to get to that point of my life. But at the same time I am seeing so many people in my life at that stage, and even though I am SO not ready to be there myself I still look at how happy they are and I want that in my life some day.

I got a letter from my best friend yesterday. It has been so long since I've talked to him (besides letters) and even longer since I've seen him. Man do I miss that kid. He was very open and honest with me. It was refreshing.
I also was talking to a good friend of mine the other day. We were talking about nothing and it was just nice. Also refreshing.
One friend I have known for about a year and a half now. The other I have only known for a few months. In both cases it seems like I have known them for a life time. I adore them both. I am surrounded by good people.

As a twenty year old, I don't feel like I should be having growing pains...and yet my legs hurt like crap right now. And why on earth do I have growing pains, am I seriously growing right now? That is stupid. And it hurts. I just want to go to bed and sleep for the next three weeks. I want to go home. I want to stay here. I want answers and I wont get them, at least not right now. So instead of being a grown up I just want to climb under the covers, listen to music, and forget about the world.
Don't get me wrong, I am not depressed or anything. In fact it's quite the opposite...I am happy, truly happy, and that is pretty great. But being truly happy doesn't mean I am exempt from trials or frustration....those things are inevitable. Hence the climbing under the covers plan!:)

So I got to spend Thanksgiving with some pretty incredible people. I love my family so much! They are all so fantastic and I wish I was closer to them because they are all just genuinely good people. When we get together it is always a good time full of laughter (which is basically my favorite!) We went shotgun shooting (skeet shooting) Thursday morning and I had a blast shooting a gun for the first time. Then we went back and ate dinner, played bingo and happy family (best family tradition ever), and just enjoyed each others company. Thursday night I also got to go spend time with the other side of my family and we played Apples to Apples and laughed our heads off. The dynamic in my family in a little side of the family I am one of the youngest's and all of my cousins except two are married. The others side of the family I am the second oldest. Neither is better than the other, they are just different. But they are both good and I am so grateful for my family. The moral of the story is that when I made it back to my humble abode here in Logan (and while I was there with everyone) I was overwhelmed with love for the beautiful people in my life.

So things we learned from today's rambling....

1. I could use some answers, but if they don't come that's okay...I have a plan.
2. Growing Pains=No Bueno
3. I miss old friends, and am grateful for the new ones.
4. Family trumps everything.
5. Be romantic, sweep me off my feet, I am a sucker for the lovey stuff.


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