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A Bummer Week and A Not-So-Bummer-Summer!!

First, let me just say, I had a HORRIBLE week. Like one of the worst/longest weeks of MY LIFE! Okay so maybe not of my life, but of the semester FOR SURE!! Without going into too much of the oh so lovely details, I had tests and quizzes and service hours and lessons to teach, and academically my plans sort of crumbled a little bit and so I had to spend time trying to put it back together and figure out what I am going to do. STRESS STRESS STRESS for sure!!! AND THEN! On top of all of that I had a friend not treat me the nicest. Yeah I know that makes me sound like I am five, but the thing is I was trying really hard to do what I felt was best even if it wasn't necessarily what I wanted and I am human and when someone isn't the nicest it can hurt, especially when it is someone you care about. ANYWAYS, I literally felt like I was running non-stop all week long! But now it is over and after class today I just laid in my bed and did nothing but relax! (I took a nap, it was fantastic haha!)
Second! So I kinda love lists! I make them for everything! I love the feeling of accomplishment when I can cross something off haha! And the last few days, admits all the craziness (or rather because of all the craziness) I have had an itching for summer. My best friend and I have been casually throwing around ideas for a summer bucket list...and my roommate for next year and I have been creating a bucket list for next year and I just LOVE BUCKET LISTS!! So tonight I got serious. I started writing a Summer 2012 Bucket List and I am so freaking PUMPED! Things like camp in the backyard, go to the zoo, make a bouquet of wild flowers, fly kites, build a sand castle, dance in the rain, go rollerblading, leave a nice note on a stranger's car, learn to do a handstand, catch fireflies, rope swing into water, learn a song on the piano, write and mail a letter to an athlete, an author, and a role model, and many many more things! The reality of the matter is that most of these probably wont happen because I am going to be working SOOOO MUCH this summer I don't know when I will have the time, but I also feel like when I do find myself with a moment or two of free time, I will be more likely to accomplish something if I have a list to turn too! I cant wait! I want to get my whole family involved and take tons of pictures and just create memories to last me a lifetime. "500 Days of Summer"....I haven't even seen this movie and yes I know it is about a girl not necessarily the season summer, but still this title keeps popping into my head while I am thinking about this. Ha the other thing that keeps popping into my head is the theme song for Phineas and Ferb! I have only seen this show a few times but part of the song keeps coming back. It says..."There's 104 days of summer vacation, and school comes along just to end it. So the annual problem for our generation is finding a good way to spend it...." (such a catchy tune!) This is what I want!! To find a great way to spend the summer and enjoy my last summer "as a teen!" haha that is way weird to say/write/think about but sadly it is the reality! And I am so excited to keep adding to the list and see how many things I can accomplish this summer! 36 DAYS TILL I MOVE BACK TO TEXAS!!


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