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Trust Me, This Is A Good One

Alright, listen.

This is the time of year when naturally you evaluate who you are and how you are doing. It's like the entire world takes a step back to look at what a hot mess they are, and then resolve to change. So naturally that is what I have been doing (sometimes intentionally and other times not so much).

Really though, I have been thinking a lot lately about this last year, and things I want to change in the year to come. Because for whatever reason there is something soothing about a clean slate. At the same time though I have been thinking about things from this year that I DON'T ever want to change. Because this year had some challenges (like each year does) but it also rocked! There were a lot of firsts that happened this year and I am ending it with a trillion and five hilarious and wonderful and cherished memories.

So here it is ya' no particular order....


1. San Diego

This year for Spring Break I got to go to California! San Diego Baby!! I had a classy time with some classy people and it was awesome. Not only did I feel so grown up planning a trip but I got to experience a brand new place I had never been too before! I was seriously like a kid in a candy store, just soaking up everything! If you have never been to Southern California I highly recommend it!

2. Sledding/Snowboarding

Once upon a time winter in Logan is excruciating! It is so cold and a times miserable. BUT this year I went real sledding for the first time down Old Main Hill with these gems of friends! Look at us, we're beauts for sure! It was like midnight and it was SO cold but it was a blast and is definitely on the list of things to do again this winter. As is SNOWBOARDING! What what! I learned how to snowboard this year and it was legit! I LOVED IT! And I really cant wait to go again. Basically my friends are the best and they were so nice to take me and teach me. 

3. General Conference

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (of which I am a member of) holds a conference twice a year where our Prophet (and other Church leaders) address the entire membership. The conference is broadcast world wide and is translated into a countless number of languages because it would be impossible for everyone to meet and listen to the Prophet's voice. I was privileged enough to be able to attend one of the meetings and hear these great men and women talk. The spirit in the Conference Center (in SLC) is a sweet, powerful, and unique spirit. I LOVE going to General Conference, and while it wasn't "a first" it was great experience.

4. Living With Grandpa

Guess what?! My Grandpa is a pretty cool guy. Him and I are very similar, and this summer I got the chance to live with him up in Idaho. Our time was definitely cut short and do to other circumstances I had moved home after a month, but let me tell you, that month was awesome! My grandpa is one of the smartest people I know! He always has a story or a fact about everything and I always learn so much when I am with him. He's funny and he loves sports and the gospel and his family. And I am grateful for the opportunity I have had to grow closer to him this year. Also he has a sweet truck and sometimes we would go on drives and see everything, ahhh I love it! This picture is from one of our drives this summer..."Let's go for a ride, he said!"

5. Grandpa's Cabin

Remember my Grandpa? Yeah, still the coolest! He has a cabin and it is seriously my heaven on earth! I love this place so much! If I could live out there all summer I probably would! It is just peaceful and away from the world and I love it! At the very end of summer I got to spend a few days there with my Grandpa and my Mom! It had been forever since I had been out there and it was exactly what I needed before school crazy started! We picked choke cherries and made syrup and went four wheeling and cue the hallelujah chorus!

6. Texas Rangers Games

Die Hard Fan! I love the Texas Rangers! And this summer I got to go to 2 of their games! That may not even seem like a big deal, but for me it was a legit thing and I was pumped. The family that roots for the Rangers together, stays together. True Story.

7. Brittni and Jordan's Wedding

Brittni got married. I got a new brother. Jordan is pretty cool I guess. We partied hard. I was super sick the whole day and wanted to die. It was still pretty great. And she's a babe (obviously) and looked gorgeous! Haha it was actually great and we're all really happy Jordan's in the family. I love that they live so close still because I can go see them, and sometimes they even feed me! Due to being sicky Ky that day, I didn't take tons of pictures...but Lex and I had to take at least one "shenanigans" picture. Enjoy!

8. Missions Missions Missions

Guess what? Missions are great! And I know some great people who are serving missions for our church right now. This year was the year of missions and I attended NINE farewells! All of them were great people and I truly feel blessed to have each and everyone of them in my life! All three of these great girls above are "sisters" that I cherish! The one with the most impact however was my dear friend Lexy! This girl has been in Wisconsin for almost 7 months now and wow things have been so different with her gone! I am lucky to call her one of my best friends! Above is a picture of the four of us when she got set apart as a missionary! I will never forget that day!

9. Sundance Film Festival

How cool is it that one of the largest film festivals in the world takes place just hours from home? Pretty cool I tell ya! The Sundance Film Festival down in Park City Utah was another "first" for me this year! My roommate and I decided on a day off from school that we wanted to head down and check it we did! We went down and spent the afternoon/evening in Park City (which I had never been too before) and while we didn't see any of the films we got to experience the ambiance of the festival. That probably sounds extra stupid to all of you, but honestly it was a blast and I am so glad we decided to go!

10. Aggie Sports

I love being an Aggie! I love Aggie sports! Living across the street from the Spectrum is awesome! I am so close to every game and it has been legit! Game Day = Happy Day!

11. Arches National Park

I got to spend some time down in Arches National Park! I basically love being outside and the fact that there are so many adventures to be had in my own state makes me a happy girl! I pretty much want to do and see it all, and Arches is one of the best! I am already trying to figure out how to get back down there and spend some more time with that beautiful red rock! Cheers to being outdoorsy! 

12. Thanksgiving With My 'Kindred Cousin'

Listen. Thanksgiving has always been one of my absolute favorite times of the year. Food, family and naps...what more could you ask for (if only there was a word for naps that started with the letter F). So right away is is going to be awesome in my book...because I mean, it is what it is. This year I spent the holiday with my Mom's brother Todd and his family. I adore them. They are great and always make me feel so loved. We always have such a good time. This year we went shooting, ate food and played some intense games of Mario Cart. We played some Uno and laughed a whole bunch. Good times were had by all. An added plus is their oldest daughter Sierra is basically my kindred cousin. What is a kindred cousin you ask? Well basically it's when your cousin is the and you are so similar and everything is an adventure when you're together. Sierra and I never have a dull moment...ever. We have countless inside jokes and are CONSTANTLY LAUGHING when we are together. Basically she is a gem and I look up to her for so many reasons! And thanksgiving shenanigans would not have been the same.

13. Goblin Valley

Rad friends. Rad trip. One of the best ideas we've ever had was planning a camping trip for the weekend before dead week. Most people would say that we are crazy, but sometimes you just need to escape the stress and crazy of school, and the cold of Logan, and go camping. I had never been to Goblin Valley and it was so fun! It's like you're on another planet! And while I just keep saying this the only thing I want to do is make everyone go back with me because it was seriously one of the best things I did this last year. Lesson that we learn here...take friends, go camping. It's the for real.

So while I have a list of things I want to work on and change this year (most of them are personal improvement things) I want to keep some things this year. Here's to another year of "firsts," another year of laughter, another year of meeting new people, another year of travel, and another year of loving life. 


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