...but seriously guys I really should be studying. I have two KILLER tests tomorrow that just might kick my butt, and I cannot get myself to focus. I AM THE WORST FINALS WEEK STUDY-ER EVER!!! I just get too distracted by everything. Pretty much anything sounds better than studying at this point...but I also don't necessarily want to pack either. So basically I am doing everything except what I need too. haha. And just when I thought I had done everything I could and I was finally going to have to study...I decided to blog:) PERFECT, RIGHT?? Now you get to hear all about my life and I get to put off dreaded statistics and life sciences for a little bit longer. It's a win win situation!:)
Maybe it is because the school year is about to finish (after tomorrow I will have finished my freshman year of college...when did that happen?), because I am about to move back home for the summer, or because I have a lot of friends doing pretty amazing things with their lives (MISSIONS, MISSIONS, AND MORE MISSIONS!) but I have been thinking a lot about my life lately. Where I am at now, where I am headed, where I want to end up. And it is so crazy. I often find myself frustrated with the fact that basically everything is out of my control at this point. There are so many things about my life that I would like to change, and at the same time so many things that I wish would stay the same. I cant wait for what is going to come next and at the same time I am dreading it. Friends that are leaving on missions that I am SO insanely excited for, but at the same time, two years is a long time to not see or talk to them. There are people in my life right now that have changed me for the better and I don't ever want to lose them. And I can never get my freshman year back....but at the same time I am so excited to be home, so excited to write my friends letters, so excited for what next year will bring. I've thought a lot about where I am supposed to be and what I am supposed to do with my life. And am I doing that? Am I becoming the person I need to become? Am I becoming my best self? How do I answer those questions? I am not quite sure....
I have also been thinking a lot about my testimony lately. About my Father in Heaven and Savior Jesus Christ, and how completely humbling and beautiful the love they have for me is. I have found myself in tears many times because of tender mercies given to me. Just a smile, or a song, or friends who let me rant about random things. It could be going to lunch with someone or having a best friend who skypes you every night till you come home:) or even just good news about someone who had been struggling. Each and everyone of those things (among many others) have been huge blessings in my life lately, reminders of the gifts they gave me. Because of my Savior and the Atonement, I can progress, I can grow, I can learn, I can be blessed, I can heal, I can forgive, I can repent, and I can be forgiven. Just thinking about it now brings tears to my eyes. I cannot even begin to express how grateful I am for this gospel, and my testimony. I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the true church on the Earth today. I know that my Savior atoned for my sins, and because of his great atonement I can return to live with my Father in Heaven one day. I know that families are forever, and I will be with my family again after I die. Temple blessings are real, and the Temple is the House of the Lord and is sacred. I know that we have prophets and apostles on the Earth today, and that Thomas S. Monson is truly a Prophet of God. I am so grateful for the scriptures that we have today and I know that The Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ and is true. I am grateful for the priesthood, and those men in my life who hold and honor their priesthood. I know these things to be true, and I am so grateful for that knowledge. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
My heart is full, and my cup runneth over:) And I feel like this was a well needed break from my attempts to study. I am so grateful for the sunshine, for smiles, and for the love of those around me. Have a beautiful day everyone!:)
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