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Sitting In Stats

Sitting in stats. That's what I'm doing right now. And clearly I'm paying tons of attention right now...:) I hate this class. It is so boring and he doesn't teach very well. My friends Lisa and Dan say hi:) haha! But really, this post is about more than a horrible professor in a subject I detest...
Last weekend was General Conference for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. A two day conference where the Leaders of our Church meet and teach us. It is broadcast to countries all across the world, and thousands of people come together to listen to the Prophet's voice. It is incredible. Such a spiritually uplifting experience and twice a year we get to have these conferences. And this last weekend did not disappoint! Like a previous post stated, I had a friend last week do some things that really hurt me. Anyways so I was pretty angry with this person (and honestly, I still kind of am) and I didn't want to go through conference focusing on that anger. So Friday night and Saturday morning I prayed that my mind and heart would be open and soft, and that I would be able to hear what it was that I needed to hear and learn what I needed to learn. I was then overwhelmed with messages of the Atonement of Christ and Forgiveness! The Atonement of Christ is a beautiful gift and I know that my Savior knows exactly what I am feeling right now. That gives me such strength. I need to forgive this person for what they did to me because being mad is not doing anything about the situation. This person probably doesn't even know what they've done, and my anger is only hurting me. Through the Atonement of Christ I can have the faith and courage and strength to forgive, as well as the power and ability be forgiven myself. And although I am not there yet this is what I have been working on this week and will continue to work on until I am there. Besides, this person is important to me and I would hate to not have them in my life just because I cant get over my anger and forgive. What a blessing this gospel is! I cant imagine where I would be without the knowledge I have. We have a loving Heavenly Father who knows each of us personally. He knows what we need, when we need it, and he blesses us daily with tender mercies. I am so grateful that He hears my prayers and answers them, and allows me to grow and become closer to Him. It is truly a beautiful blessing!


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