This time last year I watched a TED Talk that changed the way that I try and look at the world around me. The talk was from a man named Cesar Kuriyama and the app he created called 1 Second Every Day.
The idea is that there are so many tiny, beautiful, funny, tragic moments in your life and we need to remember them all--the good and the bad, the boring and the extraordinary.
So on July 9, 2016 I started this project, and I have loved taking short videos every day. More than that though, I have loved looking back on the last year and remembering the small events that collectively have had a large impact on my life. In the last year I have gotten a new job, graduated from college, started a Masters' degree, moved, gone on trips. I have met some incredible people, said goodbye to some people in my life, been healthy, and been sick. I have felt pain, heartache, loneliness, and loss. But I have also felt peace, hope, happiness, and love.
So here it is. The last 365 days of my life (some ordinary and some life-changing). It has been quite a ride, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
*Special appearances from some of my favorite humans*
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