I've been trying for a week to get these words out. So many thoughts and emotions have ran through my mind and heart over the last several days--so many things that could be said. The loss of a dear friend is always hard, but when it is someone like Erik it is unfathomable. He made the world such a better place, simply by being in it.
He made MY world a better place, simply by being in it.
And while I can only imagine how his sweet family must feel, I have watched my sweet family here at Utah State feel that heartache along side them. How appropriate was it that February 10 was filled with storm clouds and rainy skies, as Logan mourned the loss of one of its own.
I realized very quickly, after meeting Erik, that I had a lot more to learn from him, than he did from me. He taught me how laugh instead of cry, how to live more fully than I ever thought possible, how to learn from every trial you are given, and how to love others from every depth of your heart and soul.
He was brave and honest and kind, and completely genuinely himself---teaching me how to be a better version of myself than I am.
Erik and I wrote each other letters. A bit of an old-fashioned idea, but he knew how much I love them and so he played along. In one of the last letters I received from him he said:
"I am in good spirits, but still - cancer sucks. I'm grateful for the knowledge and perspective of the gospel and the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I am grateful that all of us can feel the love of the Savior. We are never truly alone in our trials. When things get hard, don't forget that."
I know, without a shadow of a doubt that life goes on. Erik's favorite thing to say was "YOLO--You Only Live Once." For the world it was an excuse to do dumb things, and until Erik that is how I looked at this phrase. Erik taught me that it was more about taking chances and living your life to the fullest, It is about reaching outside of your comfort zone and learning everything you can from every single experience or person in your life. One of the last things that Erik said before he passed away was that "Today is not a sad day. Today is a great day to be awesome." He was awesome. And he makes me want to be better than I am. Erik loved deeper than anyone I know, and it is that love that makes me smile, even though he is gone.
I believe that life does not end when we die, and that through the atonement of Jesus Christ, we can be with our loved ones forever. I believe that this life is a time to prepare to meet God, and while I have a long way to go, Erik did not! He was ready, and he will continue to change lives on the other side of the veil. I know that I will see my dear friend Erik again, and when I do I guarantee that he'll wrap me in his arms with a giant hug, a goofy grin, and a corny "Dad Joke," and I wouldn't want it any other way.
So until next time, dear friend, keep running.
This is beautiful! Thanks Ky!