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Start Where You Are.

Over the last few months or so I have found myself on an emotional roller coaster. Lots of tears and laughter and new opportunities and firsts and lasts and a whole lot of middles. I have made new friends, found new passions, been to some new places, felt heartache, felt joy, ate A LOT of tacos, killed some plants, didn't buy more because it made me sad, and seen myself accomplish things that I didn't imagine happening for a few more years--all leading up to understanding myself as a human in a way that I never have before. Understanding how my heart works and why the relationships I have in my life exist in their current capacities. I understood why changing jobs was so hard for me, why saying goodbye is so hard, and why the actions of others can sometimes hurt so bad. I learned about the person I am, even though I have been here all along. 


I have been incredibly blessed to work for some incredible people, and the jobs that I have had over the past few years working for my office, have opened up a lot of doors and given me opportunities that I would not have had otherwise. A few months ago, I went with my coworkers to a conference that my boss was presenting at, and I had the opportunity to listen to different speakers talk about challenges that we face in our field. While some of them were interesting and some of them not, one in particular stands out in my mind--not because it was fantastic and wonderful, but because of four simple words that were said:


The speakers were talking about work/life balance and the presentation wasn't anything special, but that one question has resonated with my heart and soul. I walked out of that room and didn't realize that the simple question that they opened their presentation with, would change the way that I look at and work with people for the rest of my life. I have often found myself asking myself this question. and wanting to ask those around me; genuinely wanting to hear the answer, but not knowing how to do so without seeming a little crazy. We ask each other ALL OF THE TIME how we're doing, yet often I feel like we don't want to know what the genuine answer is. We may have all the good intentions in the world, but asking this question with the intent of a real answer and not just "good, how are you?" is time consuming, and sometimes exhausting even.

But really, how is your heart?

Have you spent your day stressed and overwhelmed by the responsibilities and obligations in your life? Did you open it up to someone and get hurt by their response? Have you let others help you, love you, and serve you today? Is it happy, or sad, or broken? 

How is your heart?


Last night I was reading an article online that said:

"It's about being there for others even if they aren't there for you. It's about giving love as much as your heart can allow. It's not about being special, but making others feel special."

WOW. Holy cow these words explain humans better than anything else I have ever read. We want to be loved and cherished.

So let's ask the question at hand to those we interact with..."how is your heart?" because it isn't about being special but about making others feel this way. As we do, I imagine our heart will be happier along with theirs. What would this world be like if we could do this everyday.


A few weeks ago, as I scrolled through Instagram to kill some time, I came across this. I claim that you do not need to be perfect to care for others. Your heart does not have to be perfect to help others feel special. You do not need to be whole because you just need to give love as much as your heart will allow. So start now. And don't stop. And this world could become a much better place.

Give as much love as your heart can allow.
Start where you are and hold onto hope.


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