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"You are SO lucky!"

The other day, when I got off of work, all I needed was some quality time with a dear friend of mine. I showed up to her house with a Diet Coke for her in hand and we spent the evening swapping stories--laughing, venting, and recounting the triumphs and woes of our lives--and it was beyond a blessing! Naturally though, as we chatted, the conversation took a turn towards dating. We both told stories of frustration and shook our heads at the people in our lives who seem to have it all figured out. Without thinking it through 100% I boldly stated that "I know more married people than I do people who are single," and while it definitely feels that way it certainly isn't true. But as a 23 year old member of the church, it can sometimes feel like I am the only one my age not in a relationship/married. We laughed at this idea that "we are so old" and that according to some people (and some of the culture that we live in) we are "doing it wrong" because we aren't married yet. While I definitely DO NOT think that I am "doing things wrong" because I am single, the conversation just nestled in and got nice and comfy in the back of my mind. Not being loud, but definitely there. 

Yesterday morning, all of that changed. I got myself up early to go to the temple before I had to get started with my day. When I walked in the temple worker at the door took my temple recommend to look at it, as he always does. But today as he looked at my temple recommend and made small talk about my name and such, he noticed that I am a part of a Young Single Adult (YSA) ward. He looked directly at me and said "Young single adult ward, huh? YOU ARE SO LUCKY! That is a great place to be!" He quietly handed back my recommend and sat back down. I continued into the temple, but I couldn't help but think about his comment as I spent time in that amazing and holy place. 

Lucky? You think I am lucky for being single? You think that being alone us lucky? That being the single friend, while the people that you are closest to are all finding their best friends and starting their happily ever after? There are so many great things ahead of me, and this is what you think is great? I left the temple that day thinking "how is it that this amazing old man who has experienced so much, thinks that I am the lucky one?"

The more that I thought about it though the more I agree! I am lucky! This is a great place to be! I am in a place where I get to work on myself and making myself better. I get to meet amazing people and have experiences that I wont be able to when I am no longer single. I am lucky because of all of the wonderful things that I have ahead of me, and I am lucky because of the opportunity that I have every day to become closer to my Father in Heaven.

I get to fulfill a lifelong dream and live with my little sister!

I get to be a part of the most amazing organization that I am incredibly passionate about!

I get to spend time in places that make my heart and soul feel alive!

I get to be surrounded by incredible people who have changed the way that I see the world around me! They make me better!

I am lucky because I am at a time in my life where I can grow and become something more than I ever imagined, simply by trusting the Lord and His timing. The best is yet to come? Possibly. But there is joy in the journey along the way. How often though do we look at the world around us and get caught up in "the grass is greener" syndrome? Always wanting more or different because it seems more appealing! We look at those around us and wonder why we cant have those things, and while it can drive us to work hard, it can also make us miserable as we never seem to measure up. "Lucky" might be disguised by stress, and heartache. It might be found in the midst of crazy roommates, laughter, hard work, closed doors, and days that are hard to get through. "Lucky" might look like barely passing a test that you thought you were going to do well on, being turned down by that cute boy you asked on a date, or barely making it on an empty gas tank until you get your next paycheck; but that is the key. We are lucky to learn. Lucky to feel. WE ARE LUCKY TO BE ALIVE! It may not look the way that we think it should, but what we get is so much greater! We are lucky to have the gospel. We are lucky to get an education. We are lucky to live in a place where we can chase after dreams!
With the ups and the downs of being a young adult, remember to embrace "the lucky!" This is a great place to be!


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