It’s been a long time since we last visited. Sometimes life
gets crazy and things get pushed aside. And when that happens, as much as I
love writing this blog, this is one of the things that gets put on the back
burner. A lot has changed, a lot has been learned, a lot has been enjoyed, and
a lot has been loved. Since this summer when I last posted I have changed my
major, changed jobs twice, changed where I live, who I spend time with, where I
go. I ended my A-Team summer and I got hired on for another year of the best
thing in my life. I’ve been healthy and I have been sick. I drove to California
on a little bit of a whim and I have traveled home. I welcomed home my best
friend from her mission and sent my sister out on hers. I have laughed and
loved and felt sorrow and picked myself back up again. I have met knew people and learned of their lives, their stories. I have talked and I have listened.
In short, I have lived.
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