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snow cones
ice cream dates
sand volleyball
road trips
country music
windows rolled down drives up the canyon
rope swings

This is one of my most favorite times of the year. Everyone has a little bit of sunshine in their eyes and the sun kissed feeling is one that I wouldn't trade for anything.

Since school has been out life has slowed down quite a bit...and yet I feel like a lot has happened. And I am extremely excited for the rest of the summer.

I love how summer can bring people together and take them different directions at the same time. Everyone does their own thing and it's fantastic and carefree.

Here are my most recent happenings.

Michael got married. I love this kid to death and I have never seen him with a bigger smile on his face! Dani is fantastic as well and I could not be happier for the two of them! I got to see some of my favorites at the reception and I even got to dance with the groom!:) (Which was probably my favorite part!) I spent three days at Bear Lake with some of the coolest people I know (seriously I have the best job!) and had a blast! Tin foil dinners, sand volleyball tournaments, card games, dance competitions, "The Hunger Games", countless laughing, egg tosses, heart to heart chats, lots and lots of crepes, even more dirty dishes, and tears of all kinds. Haha I am grateful for this bunch of weirdos that I get to spend so much time with! We've had a Cinco De Mayo fiesta, watched the sunset from the roof, created a chalk wall, and a bucket list wall. We've had family dinners and cooked delicious food. And shared some really great times. I am really looking forward to the rest of the summer to see what it has to offer.

The other thing I wanted to talk about for a second was people. Good people. People that make you feel good about yourself. People that really listen. People who quickly become important in your life and you cant understand how things were okay without them there. I am blessed with some of these wonderful people in my life and today especially I am feeling very grateful for a few of them in particular. I would do anything and everything for them and just being together makes me smile. People who when I am having a bad day, I know that I don't even have to say anything, just being around them makes me feel better. People are good. And I hope sometime that I can be that person for someone else.

Peace and Blessings everybody! And cheers to a great summer!:)


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