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A Lesson About Boys

I know I know it's been a trillion years since I have blogged and I apologize! Here's the thing though...MY LIFE IS INSANE! So crazy! I feel like I am constantly doing homework or working and guess what, I am major burnt out right now! I've had enough with professors who repeat themselves a trillion times, and enough of dumb homework, and (if we're being completely honest) enough of people. I miss my best friend and she's only been gone for a little less than 6 months (only 12 more to go). I miss old roommates and being able to sit around the house with roommates and just talk or laugh about anything and everything. And on top of all of that, I have been sick for the past week, my lungs are screaming at me, and I am totally over it! But tonight I don't want to talk about any of that. I will blog soon about other things in my life but for now there is something I want to share with ya'll that I learned today. About Boys.

I hate them. And I understand them a little bit more.
Story #1.
There is this boy in my life who has been around for a while. And let's just say that over the last few years there has been history between us. Nothing too crazy but it's definitely there. And the latest is this. We are friends. Nothing more. However, I still love spending time with him and lately he's been acting weird and doing dumb things. More than once in the last few weeks he's blown me off/ignored me and let me tell you, he's pretty darn good at it. Well today I was walking home and I saw him. He gave me a hug and told me he was going somewhere but that later he wanted to come over and see me. I told him that that sounded great and that I would be around and he headed up the hill to where he needed to be. A while later (around when I kinda expected him to come by) I let him know that I had to go to the store for a quick second and that he could come by anytime after that. Long story short his reply was "I made other plans...I'm sorry." and while I wasn't entirely surprised (I hadn't really expected him to come over) it still hurt. Would he have said anything if I hadn't let him know I was running to the store? And does he really not care enough about me not to drop me when something better comes along? It was just frustrating because of all that "history" between us, which basically boils down to me putting in an effort, him not so much. I hate boys. The end.
Story #2
Story number 2 is different because I am not angry at the gentleman it involves. And I call him a gentleman because I truly believes that he is one. He's a great guy, and the experience opened my eyes up a little tiny bit. Once upon a time I thought this guy was cute and he was super nice and we got along pretty well. It isn't like I have a crush on him or anything, I just think he's a cute kid and cool guy. Well when my friend Lisa invited me to go on a group date night and I found myself needing a date, I thought "hmm, he'd be pretty fun." So I decided I would ask him. But here's the thing, I don't do stuff like that. I was actually pretty nervous and scared because I am just not so good at the whole dating thing. (It's a game and I am not a very good player!) Well I didn't have his number but we were FB friends and so I sent him a message with my number and just had him text/call me. Well today he sent me a text and asked what was up. So I (thankfully) just asked him what his plans were for Saturday night. Had he said yes I would have called and just asked if he wanted to go on this group date with me. Let me tell you, I played over what could possibly happen in my mind quite a few times and somehow I missed the scenario that actually happened. His response was "I am actually going to my parents house with my girlfriend." WHAT? Was not expecting that one at all. And he's still a great guy and when I think about it I am not surprised at all that he has a girlfriend. And my heart is not broken, but I do feel pretty dumb. I now understand guys just a tad bit better. Asking someone out on a date is scary! It is super intimidating! And when it doesn't go your way, not only can feelings get hurt, but at least for me, it was highly embarrassing.

So those were my stories for the day. And I guess it just goes to show never know what you're going to get or what each day will bring. Let's just hope tomorrow is a little brighter.


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