Tonight I want to talk about something serious. Something I have found highly prevalent in my life these days. I have found that my emotions are so tightly tied to others. Which I am not too fond of.
But here's the deal. It is not connected in the sense of me caring what people think of me or wanting the approval of others, that is not it at all. As a teenage girl obviously I have had my share of insecurities, don't get me wrong, but now it is different.
Emotionally, I get truly invested in everything around me. My emotions run deep and I feel everything deep down to my core.
And often times, especially lately it seems, I look at this as maybe a downfall. I am too invested, I care too much, it's too exhausting. But today I had the thought, (and maybe this is totally wrong) but Our Savior, Jesus Christ was truly devoted, and gave everything. He loved deeply and truly and because of that love I am blessed beyond measure.
From the very beginning He was all in. Our Savior, Jesus Christ, was completely devoted from the moment He stood up and said "Pick me, I will go."
I am not saying I am the same as the Savior because that is not true, but it makes me feel a little less silly when I get teary eyed listening to a loved one talk about her upcoming wedding, or when my heart breaks helping a hurt little brother. There is a reason I feel so deeply, and I will be blessed because of it.
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