Sometimes I feel like I have no control over anything in my life. Sometimes I get frustrated at everything, including my upstairs neighbors who are quite often loud people. And sometimes I just struggle with things. That is when I vacuum. We have a rug. It's cream. It's nice and soft and makes the room look better. Except for when it is filthy, which I feel like is most the time because hey, we live here and we walk on the rug, and we're girls so our hair sheds (especially mine) and so it makes sense why the rug gets dirty. And usually it doesn't bother me. Except when I like to vacuum. And then all of a sudden I find myself, unable to control the noisy neighbors, or homework in classes, or decisions in my life, on my hands and knees vacuuming the rug. This rug that is still soft and nice and still cream. And in a few days it will be dirty again and I will just keep walking by. But for now, the rug is clean and my life does not seem like it's spinning uncontrollably quite as much. Sometime I like to vacuum.
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