What is it about letters? Handwritten messages from one person to another. They make whatever you have to say ten times more important and suddenly set in stone. It is a memory that you hold in your hand, and a moment in time that forever stands still because even though it ends, you can always start reading again. It is one of the simplest ways to feel loved. Anyone call give you a phone call...heck an email or a text is even easier, more convenient, and less personal, and for some reason in our society today this is how we prefer to communicate. But a letter, ohhhhh a letter says I miss you. It says I was thinking about you. And not just a you popped into my head type of thing, but a you've been on my mind situation and I care. I care enough to take the time to write down my thoughts and feelings to share with you. A letter is a glimpse into the soul of the writer, and a treasure far greater than gold to the one lucky enough to receive it. A letter says, I love you. It says you are important. I found some paper, hunted for an envelope, tracked down a stamp, and then trusted a stranger to somehow deliver my words safely to you. It makes hanging onto every word that much more real, that much more powerful. To me, a handwritten letter is one of the biggest gestures that anyone can make. Showing that you value me. Letters can change lives. In a soft, unspoken way that the sender usually doesn't understand, but that the receiver will never forget. It is truly an art, and a lost one at that. And I don't understand why. Cause if you had the chance to have your words immortalized...wouldn't you take it?
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