I know I know it's been a trillion years since I have blogged and I apologize! Here's the thing though...MY LIFE IS INSANE! So crazy! I feel like I am constantly doing homework or working and guess what, I am major burnt out right now! I've had enough with professors who repeat themselves a trillion times, and enough of dumb homework, and (if we're being completely honest) enough of people. I miss my best friend and she's only been gone for a little less than 6 months (only 12 more to go). I miss old roommates and being able to sit around the house with roommates and just talk or laugh about anything and everything. And on top of all of that, I have been sick for the past week, my lungs are screaming at me, and I am totally over it! But tonight I don't want to talk about any of that. I will blog soon about other things in my life but for now there is something I want to share with ya'll that I learned today. About Boys. I hate them. And I understand them a...