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Showing posts from July, 2013

Nice People

Okay friends, (or strangers, or whoever reads this besides me) let's be real here. I have a job that I am not too fond of. I mean, come on, does this really look that great?! Today I felt like I was the only one who could solve a problem, dealt with crazies, and struggled through party after party.  BUT! A few days ago I talked with a nice lady who came in and booked a party for her daughter. The party was today. I ended up being scheduled to host their party.  And they were simply the cutest. The Birthday Girl was 8 and darling! And they were just so nice! Completely turned my day around with their compliments and kind words. The Birthday Girl wanted me in pictures and while I was reluctant, I kind of wish that I had a copy of the pictures taken today. It reminded me that there are good, nice, happy people in the world. Which is really just great! I had to talk to them one more time after their party had finished before I left (break time)...the Dad s...

Something Serious

Tonight I want to talk about something serious. Something I have found highly prevalent in my life these days. I have found that my emotions are so tightly tied to others. Which I am not too fond of. But here's the deal. It is not connected in the sense of me caring what people think of me or wanting the approval of others, that is not it at all. As a teenage girl obviously I have had my share of insecurities, don't get me wrong, but now it is different. Emotionally, I get truly invested in everything around me. My emotions run deep and I feel everything deep down to my core. And often times, especially lately it seems, I look at this as maybe a downfall. I am too invested, I care too much, it's too exhausting. But today I had the thought, (and maybe this is totally wrong) but Our Savior, Jesus Christ was truly devoted, and gave everything. He loved deeply and truly and because of that love I am blessed beyond measure. From the very beginning He was all in....

Letters To My Best Friend Always Include Pictures

Heyyyo! So my best friend Lexy is serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints right now and so I send her letters and such..and naturally they always include pictures of either me or her and her companion...or sometimes both. Haha yes! My art one skills are shining through for sure! Mrs. Blair would be so proud!....maybe.. (Ps.I know it's super confusing because there is Lexy A. who is my best friend, but then there is also Alexis H. who is my sis and best friend...and they both go by Lex....) Really though, Lexy is awesome and doing amazing things in WI. If you don't know what a missionary is, if you want more information about what Lexy is doing, or if you are interested in meeting with a set of LDS Missionaries in your area, click  here!

As Of Lately

I work all the time. I love hashtags and being ridiculous with Lex. I miss Logan. I love Texas. Today is rainy and it makes me happy. Pictures are SO much better than words. Happy Birthday America. (excuse my ridiculous self in most of these pictures #honeybagerdon'tcare! some of these were taken by the beautiful and wonderful Alexis aka my little sis and best friend aka my person #greysreference #shewouldgetit AKA the person I am ridiculous with...hence the pictures!:)) ALSO PS. I am seriously OBSESSED beyond OBSESSED with this song and ESPECIALLY THIS COVER!!! listenlistenlisten!!!

I Kinda Love Mondays

I kinda love Monday's because I get awesome emails like this one from awesome best friends who are serving missions! DAY TOTALLY MADE SISTER ANDERSON!! But really guys, I had tears in my eyes after reading her email this week. She's been gone for a month and I know that the next 17 will be filled with so many amazing things, for both of us! And I can't wait to get another email or letter from her! She's the best! Monday's actually aren't as bad as they could be!;)

Fun Fact

Fun fact about me...."The Starry Night" by Vincent Van Gogh is my absolute favorite panting! If I ever got to see it in person I would probably just cry. It would be incredible and is most definitely on my bucket list for life. And this quote from Van Gogh is one of the best thing ever. Definitely a favorite. I love it, and had to share when I found this picture because it's pretty much perfect! It makes my heart happy:)

Happy Birthday America!

These days I have had a lot on my mind and every time I sit down to write it never seems to come out the way I want it too. But today I am overwhelmed with gratitude for this wonderful country of ours! Okay, okay I know if you see me today, you probably wont take me seriously... In the words of Cooper I was most definitely "freaky fresh" this morning for the ward 4th of July breakfast! Haha but here's the deal. I love the United States of America! And I am so grateful that I live here...that my family lives here...that I will raise my future family here. It's not perfect, in fact some may say that it is far from it. However we have been blessed with rights and privileges that many go without. While this country is anything but perfect, it is home. And so I say thank you.  To our Founding Fathers--For their incredible insight into how to govern our country. To our Revolutionaries--All those who saw how our country could be mad...

Summer Nights!

It's summertime! Which means adventures and suntans and snow cones, right?! Actually it means working all the time, driving people places, cleaning like crazy, and being exhausted. But tonight I went on adventure with a friend I simply adore, and it was wonderful.  Texas sunset with a snow cone and a best can't get much better than that I tell you! It was lovely. Summer nights give you the feeling that time stands still and life goes on forever, like you are invincible and nothing else matters beyond the moment you are in. I love it! And I wish that every night could be this simple and wonderful.