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Showing posts from February, 2012

Going Home and Other Things On My Mind...

So I am going home this weekend. I leave in the "morning" (in like 7 hours or so) and I am driving down to Texas from Utah. It certainly is a long drive but my youngest brother is getting baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and I am so excited to be there to support him and just spend time with my family. In fact I am up this late because I have been packing but that is not important. I have been thinking a lot lately about who I am, and I was shocked to realize that I am not quite sure who I am or what it is that I like to do (you know, the generic questions that everyone asks everyone when they meet someone knew and it suddenly dawns on  me that I don't have a clue!) I ran track for 6 years, so for the past  6 years that's who I was/what I did. I was a team member, I was a captain, I was a leader, a runner, an athlete. And now it is gone and not only do I miss hurdles like crazy but I miss being on a team like crazy as well. And I ha...


I absolutely love those ordinary days, where life is good, and you are content with how things are. The days where nothing out of the ordinary happens, they are just good and normal and you don't think anything of them...until that one moment...when something special happens....and from then on your ordinary good day turns into a spectacular memory, all in the blink of an eye. Well that is today! And I think it is fantastic. It has gone like this...I got up and went to my first class and then left after about 5 minutes cause I didn't feel great and I just wanted to I did. I went and took a nap and then got up and went to my second class. After that I went to one of my education classes where I had to share a slightly embarrassing essay I had written about a very good friend of  mine (the essay was on your most important learning experience) in response to which I was surprisingly met with love and support and it just made me feel good. Next I went to my last class of...

A Little of This, A Little of That!

Music is heaven sent. I truly believe that. I believe that everyone has their own taste for music, but it can all be beautiful in its own way. I believe that music can be a beautiful escape. And I believe that if you are REALLY lucky you find a song that says exactly what you feel at that moment in time, exactly what you cant say yourself. What a blessing. For me, right now, it is the words of Christina Perri's new album lovestrong. Now of course not every single thing is pertaining to my life from this album but together as a whole it is simply fantastic, and exactly what I wish I could say to the world right now. Especially, the song miles ....with phrases like "Proud of me, that’s the only way I want you to be Look at me and love what you see" and "I promise to always come home to you Remind me that I’m older to be brave, smart, sweet, and bolder  And don’t give up on what we’re trying to do Don’t count the miles, count the “I love you”s" Absolutely incredibl...


What is it about letters? Handwritten messages from one person to another. They make whatever you have to say ten times more important and suddenly set in stone. It is a memory that you hold in your hand, and a moment in time that forever stands still because even though it ends, you can always start reading again.  It is one of the simplest ways to feel loved. Anyone call give you a phone call...heck an email or a text is even easier, more convenient, and less personal, and for some reason in our society today this is how we prefer to communicate. But a letter, ohhhhh a letter says I miss you. It says I was thinking about you. And not just a you popped into my head type of thing, but a you've been on my mind situation and I care. I care enough to take the time to write down my thoughts and feelings to share with you. A letter is a glimpse into the soul of the writer, and a treasure far greater than gold to the one lucky enough to receive it. A letter says, I love yo...