I should be doing homework. I know I know, most my posts start out that way. The fact of the matter is that sometimes I blog to avoid doing homework. It happens. Life goes on. Lately, admits the hustle and bustle of the start of a new school year, I have been thinking a lot about the little things that make me me. I know that sounds weird (but let's face it, I'm a little weird) but when you're living with new people, applying for jobs, and writing papers about things you believe in, it kind of gets the gears rolling in your brain. And sometimes I struggle to turn those gears off. In my English class (which by the way I haven't taken an English class since fall 2010 and I am loving it!) we are currently writing a "This I Believe Essay." Inspired by the NPR series "This I Believe" the assignment is to write an essay about a belief or philosophy that you live your life by. And not something generic like "I believe in Christ", "I believe ...